How to Make Each Day Count in 10 minutes

Making each day count is what we want for our kids. To create unforgettable and magic moments that give us goosebumps. Those moment will always stay with you. But how do you do this on a daily base? Those days when we rush from day-care to school, work, cooking and end with bedtime rituals. Those days when we are on survival modus, and not in the moment to create magic for our kids.

Note from the start: If you want to head straight to the free download, be my guest. But also feel free to read a bit further. 

You are here. This means your are open to explore a way to play and crete magic each day. Well let me state one thing clear. We cannot create magic each day. There simply isn’t enough time of money to go to the zoo each day, to build a campfire at night and have hours to spent sliding down in the playground. But we can make each day count. It is the simple things that are important. Taking time to read a book together, play with a ball or help each other in the kitchen.

But hé, how do we do this on a day-to-day base. Well, there are 3 important thing to keep in mind.

50 play tips to play 10 minutes a day

1: 10 minutes play a day

No smartphone, no grocery list, no doing chores, just fucus on each other. 10 minutes a day; If you spend this time a day fully focused with your kid (preferably one ach time), with full attention, your child will feel that you are really listening and just 'are' there for him. It seems difficult to start with each day, but when you have a routine, it will feel natural. For sure!

Sit next to each other on a playmat and see where they play with and what they tell you. Sometimes that’s just enough. It’s just like meditating or walking the dog. Looking for inspiration to play with your baby, toddler of child for 10 minutes a day. With this FREE DOWNLOAD you will have 50 tips for 10 minutes play a day. Either for your baby, your toddler, or your small and child. So actually, these are 50 great tips to use every day.

Free Download - ByAlex Playmats

2: Create a mindset

When you don’t look forward to these moments or if you are doing other thing, you never will create a connection together. So, it’s good to create a mindset in which your only ‘thing to do’ is being connected with your kid(s). And when you are doing other things, while they ask for your attention. Simply speak up. “I don’t have time right now. I’m cooking/ having a call/ want to take a shower. But when I’m finished, we can play together.”

Kids will trust you in this, always. So don’t break their trust. Always keep your word on these promises. And when you do, they will patiently wait until you have the moment to sit down together.

3: Let your kids speak out

Let your kids choose what to do. What are their interests and their passion? Even small kids, who cannot express themselves with words, can let you know what they like. Simply observe their play and connect on their interest. My son loves to play soccer. You cannot make him happier than playing with a ball together. And the truth is, I’m not ball games that much. But when I will ask him to do craft together, we never will have the ‘goosebump moment’. So, I get my sneakers on and play soccer together. So, get yourself together and listen to each other to connect.

A last shout out … It is those moments when we are relaxed and connected. The moments to see and listen to the ones around us on a deeper level. And that is where and when the magic happens. Cause when you’re in that ‘space’ together you can feel the love flow through your body. Goosebumps baby!


ByAlex Playmats

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